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Core Dump

Core Dump Work in progress The Gallery Technical information

Name: Percy
Species: Human
Age: 37

Percy is one of the main engineers on Aleph. He is very good at what he does, but avoids people most of the time. Strangely enough, he shows remarkable social skills when among others, but he still avoids people.

But what is Percy really like? Does he remain loyal to the people he avoids, or can he be persuaded by Gen? Maybe Percy needs to be treated differently - but that is for Gen to find out.

In the past few years Percy's reputation has become almost legendary. He really is good at what he does, but because he shies away from others, his legend can grow stronger. And so it is not certain whether Percy can live up to his own legend. Even Percy is not sure. But he pretends he does not care for that, and works as hard as he did before.

Percy is quite annoyed by the ever-present Zen, and sometimes refers to him as "little brother". Security would interpret it like this: "Percy must have something to hide, and so he is afraid that Zen catches him in the act." Fortunately for Aleph, Percy's reputation prevents him from being arrested.

Zen is as friendly as possible to everyone, and that includes Percy, so maybe he is spying on him....

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