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Core Dump - Work In Progress

Episode 81

March 4, 1999 : Some music examples (Moonsound)

Core Dump

Finally completing the "sin" section of the game was very rewarding. I've nearly completed the map of Aleph and only need to add a few small rooms. And one secret I've been planning from the beginning.

I've redesigned the central bridge and that means the map layout of the small bit from the promos has changed. Must be very weird to play after you've played the promo.

But studying has delayed the updates on this site and on the game. I did complete the manual art, and even designed something like an advert for the game. I wanted to upload it here, but ... I postponed it. Typical. Sigh.

And I must ask Pat for a new picture because it's becoming a bit dated. Or I could take one from the homepage of his band.

DOWNLOAD Core Dump music!

Here are some Moonsound musics to download. Don't forget that they are intended as moody musics: no rock songs here! Play these songs using the MBWAVE editor which you got with your moonsound. (Obviously)

  1. Black - Gen's robot cloak theme. Dark.
  2. Sleep - very weird (offbeat), very cool.
  3. Clean - relaxed sort of strangeness, this tune also appeared on the Pumpkin Adventure III music CD as a bonus track.

Download them and don't forget to mail your opinion!.

New looks (2)

I won't change the layout of these pages in the near future because I've been getting a lot of positive reactions on the current design. Woohee! No extra work for Cas!

That's been a great relief. But I have a dilemma on my hands. It's very convenient that this CGI-program "generates" the look of this site, but when I want to change it on my PC, things get rather complicated. It all boils down to expensive internet access. Oh well.

Second reason not to redesign it slightly is that the buttons were made using Pixelsite, and that's a commercial service now. So I will have to redesign them altogether with Photoshop and... you get the picture.

One thing I wanted to add to my pages is a search-engine, because there is so much content at the moment. But again, using the CGI program makes this more complicated than it should be.

If anyone knows a solution for these problems just like that, please mail me. If not, wait for the pictures I will put online.


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