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Core Dump

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Name: Earl D. Squirrel
Species: Rodent (Squirrel)
Age: 36

Earl is a squirrel, but then that's obvious isn't it? Being this old must have made you suspicious: Earl isn't a normal Squirrel. There are many reasons.

  1. He's 36 years old. (why? see reason 2)
  2. He was genetically altered to interface with electronical components.
  3. He used to have a gun mounted on his tail, but had it removed for esthetical reasons. It just didn't look right.
  4. He can talk.
  5. He talks. A lot.
Earl thinks he's a bit special. This is true, but he is annoyingly aware of this fact. Most people would like to have him shot, but as long as he's with Eric, they don't dare. So they just leave Eric and Earl alone, which is exactly what Earl likes.

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